The Transing Training Center executes training of drivers, carrying dangerous cargo. The center is licensed in the ministry of transport with permit #5/23.08.2004.
The training is entirely theoretical and takes place within a unified programme, in accordance with regulation #40 of the ministry of transport.
The course for dangerous cargo drivers can be:
- Basic - packaged dangerous goods, including propanie-butane gas in pressurized bottles.
- Mobile tank materials - fuels, chemical compounds etc.
- Class 1 materials - combustible cargo/dynamite, TNT, fireworks/.
Depending on the cargo type being carried the trainin's length can vary between three, four or five days.
Those who pass the training successfully undergo an exam before the IA,AA.
An five year ADR certificate /certificate for driver's carrying dangers cargo/ is given to those who pass the offical exam sucessfully. The drivers must undergo a refresher course before the certificate expires so that it can be valid on the day of expiration. If the certificate expires, the candidate must take the course again.
Signing up for the ADR course takes place in the methodic section of the Training center with a copy of the driver's license before the start of the course. Those refreshing ADR certificates must present a copy of the ADR itself.
Exams scheduled for ADR